Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Kahina - Queen of the Berbers.

It's not often that I talk about a rival publication but I must just mention Queen Kahina produced by the Royal Institute of Berber Culture. You can find out more here:


She's a fascinating character - a real-life warrior queen, but like many Berbers with a strong influx of European genes - Celtic in her case - red hair, green eyes. She must have been a magnificent sight. She is a legendary character throughout the Middle East - a bit like Rakan - and it would be great if she were picked up in an AK story at some stage. It's true she fought the Arab/Muslim empire from the fringes but this was largely from a nationalistic viewpoint - not a religious or cultural one. She is credited with ordering the Berbers to execute a scorched earth policy rather than hand over anything of value to the Muslim invaders. It's tragic to think of how many treasures and items of historical interest may have been destroyed by this policy.

Meanwhile, you could read the Manly Wade Wellman novel - "Cahena" - which was published in 1986 - his last book - or check out the amazing Berber script in the Royal Institute's comic book.

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