Saturday, July 29, 2006


Tony Matta - Comicon

It was great to see the AK panel receiving so much publicity from Comicon. Daerick Gross, Marwan el-Nasher and new boy Tony Matta (of Violent Messiahs fame), amongst others, apparently gave an excellent run-down of the priorities for the company as it moves into full-frontal marketing in the US.

All four comics are now being published and distributed simultaneously in the US - we're up to issue 2 already.

The company is picking up on fan comments that the characters may be too americanised and this autumn the characters will set off in a new direction with stronger characterisation and with greater emphasis on Arabic culture.

Trade paperbacks may come later.

Daerick also apparently spoke about some of the difficulties of launching an overseas comic book company in the US, the problems of using a standardised Arabic in order to maximise coverage in the Middle East, and the tentative steps being taken in the Greek and Chinese markets by the company.

Sounds like a really interesting panel.

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